Yes, it's out there someplace. It's just not in Washington, D.C.
Taking a sarcastic and most-deserved shot at anything and everything from politics to current events, sparing no prisoners.
General Milley says he advised Afghan Joe to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. Afghan Joe says Milley never made such a suggestion. Personally, I don't believe either one of them.
Those Del Rio Haitians are disappearing, just like Afghan Joe said they would. They're being flown out... to a neighborhood near you!
The Biden Junta is saying that illegal aliens don't have to have vaccination cards "because they're not intending to stay."
Afghan Joe and his regime claim to have negotiated the release of 28 Americans from the Taliban. Where are the customary pictures?
Biden is not allowed to answer questions or deviate from the script prepared by his "handlers." They're afraid he might slip and tell the truth!
Seattle could lose up to 200 police officers due to a vaccine mandate: get the shots by October 18th or be fired. That's one way to defund the cops.
I've come to realize that there are, indeed, three genders: male, female and Democrat.
When you look into Biden's eyes, you can see the blood of those left behind.
As the bodies of the 13 servicemen killed in Afghanistan were being unloaded at Dover AFB, Biden repeatedly checked his watch.