Sunday, November 11, 2007

Musings of an Old Man

A long, long time ago, when we were young and frisky, there was a very strong period of nationalism in this country. We, as citizens, willingly "gave to the common good," as Hillary is now poised to demand that we do. We gave willingly because we had deep-rooted spiritual, ethical and moral values and beliefs in a noble purpose... freedom and democracy.

In the late '50's and early '60's, when the liberals and socialists began to invade our university systems beginning with Berkeley, my father prophesized that our own tolerances would eventually be our downfall, and that our values would be eroded over time as the teachings of the liberals and socialists were spread through the education structure of our nation. Here we are, barely 45-50 years later, and his prediction is reality. We no longer have the belly to fight the good battles, the spine to stand up for what is right, or the courage to speak openly of our convictions.

If I've said anything that is not politically correct, I of course must apologize.